Andrés M. R. Martano

Master in information systems from USP (2015), graduated in computer engineering from the same university (2012). Interested in multiple areas such as free software, participation, privacy, security and cooperative games. In search of ways to put technology at the service of a more just and humane society.

Usually acts as a developer or researcher. Experience with the whole process of developing web platforms: design, construction and hosting, in an agile and participative way.

See below the projects developed, which include areas such as: scrapping, data visualization, publication and use of open government data, micro services architecture, game development and process automation (including interaction with sites), acting both in backend and frontend development, with the use of libre technologies.


Cuidando do Meu Bairro (Caring for my neighborhood)

Platform that maps part of the expenses of the city of São Paulo, besides allowing freedom of information requests about them. Participation as architect and developer of the platform and instructor at workshops about it.

  • python
  • flask
  • selenium
  • javascript
  • riotjs
  • sass
  • webpack
  • postgresql
  • microservices
  • SPA
  • nginx

Diário Livre (Free Gazette)

Platform for the publication of the Official Gazette of the city of São Paulo in an open format. Participation as designer, developer and researcher of the platform throughout the master's degree.

  • python
  • ruby on rails
  • solr
  • blacklight
  • owncloud

Research of the Promise Tracker platform

Platform that allows people to create campaigns of data collection, aiming at citizen engagement and improvement of public services. Participation accompanying the use of the tool for campaigns to monitor school lunches in public schools in Pará

  • pandoc

Sâmia Bomfim

Development of the site of the mandate of councilwoman Sâmia Bomfim.

  • python
  • django
  • mezzanine
  • sass

Open Government Agent

Participation in the Program for Open Government Culture, of the city of São Paulo, performing 24 workshops in the most diverse regions of the city. The workshop was about public budget, access to information, transparency and free technologies.

Parliamentary Radar

Sporadic contributions to the Parliamentary Radar project, which makes data visualizations of the Brazilian legislative. Contributions to gender views in parliament and ballot votes.

  • python
  • django
  • D3


Online course platform with gamification elements.

  • python
  • pyramid
  • vuejs
  • vuex


Simple website for the Copar industry.

  • python
  • flask
  • frozen-flask


Development of an automated budget data extractor from the SigaBrasil platform of the Brazilian federal government. The data are used by INESC's Budget to Its Reach platform.

  • python
  • selenium

Macambira Laboratory

A collective of free software development. Member during internship, with participation in web development projects, local applications development and collaboration with international free software project.



Qubes OS

Presentation on the Qubes operating system, aimed at the security of personal computers. The presentation was held in CryptoRave 2017.

  • QubesOS
  • pandoc
  • revealjs

The Importance of Open Systems and Data for Data Management by the State

Guest speaker at the Digital Rights Summit, PUC, São Paulo, 2017.



Cooperative game where all players command the same avatar.

  • python
  • vuejs
  • webpack
  • javascript
  • ES6
  • socketio


An extractor of Official Gazettes. It downloads some Brazilian Official Gazettes directly from government websites. It can also search for keywords, allowing you to monitor if any subject of interest, such as a law, appeared in one of them.

  • python
  • pygtk
  • glade

Payments Secom

Data visualization of payments made by the Secretary of Social Communication of the Presidency of the Republic (Secom).

  • python
  • flask
  • pandas
  • highcharts

Expenses Notes

Simple HTML5 app to take notes about expenses. They get saved only in browser (not at a server) using IndexedDB. Service Workers are used to allow app access even offline. Click/touch twice on a saved note to delete it.

  • javascript
  • IndexedDB
  • service workers


Draws a diagram described in an Etherpad using the PlantUML language, allowing the collaborative construction of diagrams.

  • javascript
  • PlantUML


Maps latitudes and longitudes described in an Etherpad, functioning as a rather rustic collaborative mapping constructor. Allows you to export the map to GPX format.

  • javascript
  • leaflet


Program to compose and play simple songs. It allows you to capture sounds from a microphone and try to tell you the note and scale of the sound. It is useful for when you can whistle the melody of the song, but you do not know which notes make it up.

  • python
  • pygtk
  • glade
  • pyaudio
  • numpy

The Fearsome Mapinguari

In this simple game you are the fearsome Mapinguari, a mythical creature from the Amazon rain forest, and must scare some villains out of the forest.

  • phaserjs
  • aseprite
  • audacity
  • webpack
  • javascript
  • ES6


An experimental game where you should be guided by sounds.

  • phaserjs
  • blender
  • audacity
  • luxrender
  • webpack
  • javascript
  • ES6

Ambulatilis Lux

This a kind of 2.5D game engine for browsers using Blender to model the map, LuxRender to render the images and Phaser to display them.

  • phaserjs
  • blender
  • luxrender
  • webpack
  • javascript
  • ES6
  • python


Clipboard manager (copy & paste) for those who like the terminal.

  • python
  • urwid


A FPS (first person shooter) more or less educational. Used in a computer graphics work in college and presented at the 75 year old USP event.

  • C++
  • OpenGL
  • SDL
  • blender
  • python

Certificate Generator

Designed to automate the production of certificates of a course and send them by e-mail. It basically generates certificates based on a Latex template and data in a file.

  • python
  • latex

Stats Saver

Script used to monitor bandwidth use, specially designed for a router using OpenWRT.

  • lua